Helping "healed healers" make a bigger impact in their community!
The term "healed healers" comes from the common phrase that most healers are "wounded healers", meaning that they are in-fact wounded themselves, and that they are trying to heal themselves by healing or saving others.
Psychologist Carl Jung wrote of the "Wounded Healer" archetype, as those who find it their life's calling to be a healer due to their unsolved internal wounds from life experiences.
As a holistic practitioner, it is our job to become a model of self-care, and to teach from example rather than authority. Here, we work to learn how to heal ourselves FIRST, and let the overflow of healing have an osmosis affect on the lives around us.
As "Healed Healers", we are facilitators and teachers, rather than martyrs. Making sure that we pass this on as our primary lesson in everything we do, we hope to make ourselves and our students the model of healed healers to practice true sustainability (both inside and out) to help heal the world!

Artemisia Academy currently offers both online and in-person community based education for herbal enthusiasts in Santa Barbara, the Southern California region, and beyond. Come learn your local weeds, and reconnect with yourself, your land and your community!
The healer's journey can take us on many paths of self discovery, learning from our ancestors and helping create a better world for our children.
Whether you are looking to:
Start your herbal journey as an Herbal Apprentice,
Step into your role as a Community Herbalist,
Learn to protect our local plants at our In-Person Herb Walks,
Get your hands dirty in our Hands-On Herbal Workshops, or
Give back to the community through CA Herbal Medics.
We have something for every stage of your journey!
We welcome you to take the journey with us as we create a more vibrant plant-loving community of healed healer's across the world.

Learn how to become a more effective healer by healing yourself FIRST!
In this 5 minute quiz, you'll learn:
Where you need to focus to get on track in your own healing,
How much energy you really have to spend on others, and
Steps to prioritize your own healing FIRST this year!